LEATHER TOOLS Posted on 17/09/2021 (12/06/2024) by admin adminEssential work companions, the leather tools enable the best possible work on a piece of leather, allowing the worker to fully deploy his creativity. Lire la suite
BROWN LEATHER Posted on 17/09/2021 (12/06/2024) by admin adminBrown leather reminds us almost automatically of the earth, it is often associated with nature. Lire la suite
EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT SPLIT LEATHER Posted on 22/04/2021 (29/03/2023) by Admin AdminBefore you make the decision to buy leather, discover in this article what split leather is. Lire la suite
A 5 MINUTE LESSON ON FULL GRAIN LEATHER Posted on 22/04/2021 (14/03/2022) by Admin AdminIn order to buy leather, and most importantly full grain leather, you must first understand its composition. Lire la suite
BUY LEATHER Posted on 20/01/2021 (14/03/2022) by admin adminLeather is known for its resistance thanks to its fibre structure which gives it unique physical characteristics. Lire la suite